Board Training

Board members and/or council directors can use the following webinars for board trainings, board orientation and onboarding sessions, board assessment of best practices or as a personal refresher.

Board Chair Training (37 minutes) – This training provides a comprehensive overview of the key responsibilities and skills required to succeed as a board chair. Whether you are new to the role or a seasoned leader, the training covers essential topics, including leadership responsibilities, strategies for effective execution, and the importance of fostering strong organizational relationships.

Board Fundamentals Webinar Series (55 minutes) – Pre-recorded. Originally released on Jan. 4, 2023. Board members and council directors can use this four-part series for staff or board trainings, board orientation and onboarding sessions, board assessment of best practices or as a personal refresher. Topics include:

  • Part 1: Board Member Experience (16 minutes)
  • Part 2: Committee Structures and Best Practices (10 minutes)
  • Part 3: Healthy Governance Operations (18 minutes)
  • Part 4: Board Recruitment to Build a Diverse & Engaged Board (11 minutes)

Board Training Playlist – The new playlist, great for onboarding and orientation sessions, includes:

  • Board Fundamentals Webinar Series
  • Good to GOTR: New to Girls on the Run
  • GOTR Need to Know
  • Board Training: Board Fiduciary Responsibilities

Foundational IDEA Training Series – In alignment with Girls on the Run International’s IDEA Strategic Imperatives, we are committed to providing continuous learning opportunities to expand awareness of IDEA concepts among board, staff, and volunteers.  

The Foundational Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access (IDEA) Series is designed to empower individuals with information and resources to foster a culture of inclusion and belonging within Girls on the Run. This comprehensive four-part, self-paced series includes the following modules: 

  • Self-Awareness 
  • Understanding Bias 
  • IDEA at Girls on the Run 
  • Your IDEA Journey 

Council staff and board members can access the Foundational IDEA Training series via the GOTR Learning Academy. Questions? Please email