Lilia, Junior Coach
Lilia, Junior Coach

“Junior coach training taught me how to empower my teammates and inspired me to reflect on my own vulnerabilities.”

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the role of junior coaches?

In addition to the two to three coaches who are 18 years of age or older, some teams may also have a Junior Coach assigned. Junior Coaches are high school volunteers between the ages 16-18 who complete an application and training. They are role models and developing leaders who support the adult coaches and mentor the team.

Why are coaches important?

There are girls who need YOU to help them unleash their power and potential. If you are considering coaching, ask yourself: What better gift can you give to the next generation than inspiring confidence and a strong sense of self?

  • Almost 100% of girls said their Girls on the Run coaches care about them.
  • 99% of coaches agreed that the coaching experience was valuable for them.
  • 96% of coaches said they felt they formed positive relationships with the girls on their team.
  • 94% of Girls on the Run coaches said they felt like they were making a difference in their girls’ lives.
Are coaches all female?

Junior coaches must identify as female. But here is our policy:

  • At least one female coach over the age of 21 must be present at all times.
  • Our Head Coach must be female.
  • All other coaches and assistant coaches must be at least 18 years of age.
  • Junior Coaches must be at least 16 years of age and female.
Do I need to be a runner or athlete to be a junior coach?

No! Girls on the Run provides the training, curriculum and supplies needed to safely lead a team for a season! You simply need to be a motivating role model for your team. Many of our junior coaches and coaches participate in their first 5K alongside their team!

Do I need to come up with lesson plans or workouts?

No! We provide you with training, curriculum and supplies – everything needed to coach a safe, successful season! You should not incur any personal costs to provide the program to your team. As a Junior Coach, you will receive guidance from the team’s coaches, too.