A Brighter World for Women and Girls
Happy International Women’s Day!
While women should always be celebrated, there is something about reflecting on our collective, global contributions on IWD that makes me so excited and energized! Women and girls are pillars of the communities in which we live — we are the dreamers, doers, healers, builders and visionaries. We lead the charge daily to inspire change in a world where we’ve made substantial progress, but total equity still feels out of reach.
I have reason to believe that will soon change.
In the United States and the world over, there are more women in influential positions than ever before. As we continue to change laws, shatter glass ceilings and do away with antiquated systems and ways of thinking, I often find that the magic within us — that fuels us to activate our limitless potential — is often ignited by interactions with the young girls we mentor, teach, coach and raise. They are so incredibly wise and strong!
Girls today have grown up seeing a world of firsts for women. They’ve been told they are powerful and that their voices matter from the time they were born and, because of that, they walk with a confidence that often surpasses that of the women who have encouraged them along the way. At what point do we stop believing that we are capable of not only chasing our wildest dreams, but also capable of actually achieving them?
For more than two decades, Girls on the Run has been telling our girls that anything and everything is possible. And, now, they’re telling us.
The girls on my Heart & Sole team are the reason I’ve resolved to make self-care and overall health paramount in my life. They remind me, almost every day, that it’s okay to “stop and take a BrThRR (breathe, think, reflect and respond)” when I’m stressed and that I shouldn’t shame my body. I show up to practice knowing I’m making an impact on their lives, but in reality, they’re also coaching me to become the woman of my dreams.
Girls today want to encourage us to reignite our dreams. They want us to know that it’s not too late to take the reins of our lives and steer ourselves in the direction of infinite possibilities. This is why Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day are so incredibly important. It’s during these times that we come together, reflecting on the strides we’ve made and the milestones that mark our progress — past and present. It’s a time when, together, we can look to the future as we continue to strive for gender equality.
How will you change the narrative — and the direction — of your life? If you’re looking for inspiration, Girls on the Run has you covered!
Support us as we strive for a gender-equal world. Register your girl for one of our life-changing, confidence-building programs by connecting with your local council today!
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